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Are USB modems compatible with the AnywhereUSB?

Here is the compatibility list for the AnywhereUSB Products:

AnywhereUSB USB device compatibility list

Most USB modems are incompatible with the AnywhereUSB.  The typical symptom of the problem is that the USB modem installs but you can't actually "use it".  There are 2 workarounds:

1. Use a Digi Rapidport/4 modem.  This is a 4 modem solution that connects to the computer via USB.  The Rapidport/4 is compatible with the AnywhereUSB.

2. Use a Digi Edgeport serial converter with one or more serial modems.  For example, if you just need to use 1 modem then use an Edgeport/1 with a single serial modem.  If you need 2 modems then use an Edgeport/2 with two serial modems.  You could use up to 4 modems with an Edgeport/4.  And so forth.  Although any RS-232 (standard) serial modem should work, we specifically recommend the following vendors/models, based on positive feedback:  MultiTech 5634ZBA, US Robotics 5686.

We've also had positive reports of users using the following USB modems:

USRobotics USR5637 -
Multi-tech MT9234-CDC-XR -

Please note that USB modems (other than the Rapidport/4) are NOT supported with the AnywhereUSB and should be treated "as is".  This information is being provided as a courtesy.

Last updated: Jan 09, 2024

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