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AnywhereUSB USB device compatibility list


The AnywhereUSB is a network-attached USB 2.0* hub. While theoretically any USB device should work, realistically there are limitations, some of which can be worked around and some of which cannot.

* USB 2.0 support was introduced in AnywhereUSB firmware v1.51 for the AnywhereUSB/5 G2, AnywhereUSB/5 M, AnywhereUSB/5 G2 TS-44, and AnywhereUSB/14 models.  The AnywhereUSB/2 model introduced USB 2.0 support in firmware v1.60.  All previous firmware versions are USB 1.1.  The legacy AnywhereUSB/5 is a USB 1.1 hub.
The following USB devices are COMPATIBLE with the AnywhereUSB.  We recommend and support using them:

  • USB License dongles AKA security keys / license keys.  All brands work, such as, but not limited to SafeNet, WIBU, Rockey4, Aladdin, HASP, etc.
  • USB printers/scanners/multi-function devices.
  • USB HID (Human Interface Device) style devices, such as mice, keyboards, barcode scanners, and magnetic card stripe readers.
  • USB hubs, such as, but not limited to, our Digi Hubport product line.
  • USB-to-serial converters, such as our Digi Edgeport product line.
  • Other "Bulk" or "Interrupt" (per USB spec) type USB devices.
  • Lab style instruments.
  • Smartphones.

This list is by all means not definitive!  Other USB devices may be compatible.

The following USB devices have LIMITED SUPPORT with the AnywhereUSB.  We do not recommend using these devices, because they haven't been tested enough, however they may work for your application:

  • USB mass storage devices, i.e. flash drives and hard drives.
Note: These devices should enumerate, albeit possibly slower than expected, and there will be a noticeable performance decrease compared to a native USB port.  Realistic transfer rates about 4-6 Mbit/sec due to various considerations such as network overhead.

The following USB devices are INCOMPATIBLE with the AnywhereUSB.  We do not recommend or support using them:

  • "Isochronous" (per USB spec) devices.  Check the spec sheet of the USB device or contact the vendor to determine if a device uses the "isochronous" USB transfer type.
  • USB audio devices, i.e. sound cards.
  • Video streaming devices, i.e. webcams.
Note:  Our Digi Watchport USB cameras are an exception. They are compatible.
  • USB Modems.
Note:  Our Digi Rapidport modem bank is an exception. It is compatible. Besides that, as a workaround, we suggest using a Digi Edgeport USB-to-serial converter with a RS-232 serial modem, which has been tested successfully. Although any serial modem should work, we specifically recommend the following vendors/models, based on positive feedback: Multi-Tech 5634ZBA, Multi-Tech Multi-Tech MT9234ZBA-NAM, US Robotics 5686.  Some customers have also reported success with the following USB modems:  US Robotics USR5637, Multi-Tech MT9234-CDC-XR.  Digi has not yet tested these USB modems, so they are currently unsupported.

Troubleshooting issues with specific attached USB devices:


  • Ensure that the latest AnywhereUSB driver and firmware is being used, as well as the latest driver and firmware for the USB device in question.
  • Ensure the USB device works as expected using a native USB port (connected directly to the computer instead of through an AnywhereUSB).
  • Try the "Use Microsoft IDs" AnywhereUSB option - see KB article Understanding the "Use Microsoft IDs" AnywhereUSB feature


Last updated: Jan 08, 2024

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