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AnywhereUSB G2 minimum and maximum password length requirements

The maximum password length for AnywhereUSB G2 models (i.e. all models other than the legacy/1st gen AnywhereUSB/5) is 15 characters.  The minimum is 1 character.

  • Passwords are case-sensitive.
  • Unfortunately, there is no list of supported/unsupported characters at this time.
  • The default username is root.

Applies to:

AnywhereUSB/5 G2
AnywhereUSB/5 M
AnywhereUSB TS44

NOTE:  In AnywhereUSB firmware versions previous to Rev M (v1.90.1856), information about this within the web interface's help page incorrectly states that the minimum is 4 and the maximum is 16.

Last updated: Jan 03, 2024

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