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AnywhereUSB device randomly disconnects from the network

  1.   Verify what type of USB device is connected to the AnywhereUSB device and ensure the USB device is supported.    Ensure the USB devices has the latest driver installed for all devices connected.


       2.   Verify that the AnywhereUSB device has the latest firmware installed and the host computers have the latest AnywhereUSB drivers installed. 


       3.   Set the network speed and mode on the AnywhereUSB device and network switch to100mb half-duplex to see if the disconnect issue no longer occurs.
       4.   Start a constant ping to the AnywhereUSB device and see if any dropped packets occur 

       5.   Connect the AnywhereUSB device to a basic 10\100 switch and see if issue still occurs
Last updated: Jan 05, 2024

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