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AnywhereUSB API information

This specification is for a set of utility functions for AnywhereUSB. These functions have been implemented in a Windows DLL named AwUsbApi.dll.
The primary purpose of AwUsbApi.dll is to provide customers with a Windows Application Program Interface (API) to connect to and disconnect from
AnywhereUSBs, and to query the Connection Status of AnywhereUSBs.

AwUsbApi.dll exports the following functions:
1. AwUsbConnect
2. AwUsbDisconnect
3. AwUsbGetConnectionStatus

Documentation can be found in the file called AwUsbApi.pdf, which is bundled with the AnywhereUSB driver package. 
Both the AwUsbApi.dll and AwUsbApi.pdf files are found in the “Advanced” subfolder, where the AnywhereUSB driver is installed. 
Please contact Digi Technical Support for the 64-bit version of the API, which is currently not bundled.
Current AnywhereUSB driver installation folder:
c:\Program Files\Digi\AnywhereUSB\Advanced\
Previous AnywhereUSB drivers installation folder:
c:\AnywhereUSB drivers\Advanced\
Download the latest AnywhereUSB driver from the Digi Support site:

Last updated: Jan 04, 2024

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