AwConsole is a command line interface (CLI) version of the (GUI) AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility. With this utility, you should be able to perform any action that the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility offers, for example, Discover AnywhereUSBs, Connect to / Disconnect from AnywhereUSBs, look at the Host List to see what host computers (IP addresses) are connected to what Group Numbers (for MHC-capable AnywhereUSBs).
AwConsole may be integrated into your own software using a batch file, PowerShell, etc.
With older AnywhereUSB drivers (version 3.60.60 and earlier), AwConsole.exe (or AwConsole64.exe for 64-bit OS's) was automatically copied to the \system32\ folder when the AnywhereUSB driver was installed. Starting with the current AnywhereUSB driver, version 3.71.78, AwConsole.exe is located in the AnywhereUSB installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Digi\AnywhereUSB for 32-bit OS's or C:\Program Files\Digi\AnywhereUSB for 64-bit OS's). AwConsole(64).exe is a standalone executable that may be moved to a folder of your choosing.
AwConsole must be run from a "host computer", in other words, a Windows-based computer that has the AnywhereUSB driver installed.
AwConsole may be used in one of two ways: Menu driven or Command line driven. Summaries and examples of each follow.
Menu driven
Menu driven is when the AwConsole.exe utility is launched without any options (arguments), and it presents the user with a menu. The user inputs the appropriate menu options one-at-a-time.

Menu driven example #1, showing how to connect to an AnywhereUSB/2:

A. Run "AwConsole.exe".
B. Input "S" to discover AnywhereUSBs. Make note of the number (1, 2, 3, etc. on the far left) of the discovered AnywhereUSB(s).
C. Input "C" to connect to the AnywhereUSB/2.
D. Input the number of the AnywhereUSB you wish to connect to. This number is based on the result of the “S” command in step B. In this example, the AnywhereUSB/2 is number 1.
E. You should see a confirmation that the AnywhereUSB (its IP address) has been added to the Connection List. The host computer will then immediately attempt to connect to the AnywhereUSB/2.
Note: An AnywhereUSB must be discoverable (listed via the "S" or “V” command) in order to connect to it (using the "C" command). If an AnywhereUSB cannot be discovered, add its IP address to the Discovery List first, using the "E" command.
Menu driven example #2, showing how to connect to an AnywhereUSB/14:

A. Run "AwConsole.exe".
B. Input "V" to verbosely discover AnywhereUSBs. “V” should be used for MHC-capable AnywhereUSBs (the AnywhereUSB/5 M and AnywhereUSB/14) as it shows the Host List.
C. Make note of the number (1, 2, 3, etc. on the far left) of the discovered AnywhereUSB(s).
D. Make note of the Host List which lists what Group numbers are Available for host connections.
E. Input "C" to connect to the AnywhereUSB/14.
F. Input the number of the AnywhereUSB you wish to connect to. This number is based on the result of the “V” command in step B. In this example, the AnywhereUSB/14 is 2.
G. Input the Group number (1-14) of the AnywhereUSB/14 to connect to. Group 3 is used in this example.
H. You should see a confirmation that the AnywhereUSB (its IP address : the Group number specified in step G) has been added to the Connection List. The host computer will then immediately attempt to connect to Group number 3 of the AnywhereUSB/14.
Note: An AnywhereUSB must be discoverable (listed via the "S" or “V” command) in order to connect to it (using the "C" command). If an AnywhereUSB cannot be discovered, add its IP address to the Discovery List first, using the "E" command.
Command line driven
Command line driven is when AwConsole.exe is launched as a single command, using options (arguments). Issue the command "AwConsole -?" to show the accepted options.

Command line driven example #1, showing how to connect to an AnywhereUSB/2:

A. Run "AwConsole.exe –s” to discover AnywhereUSBs.
B. Make note of the IP addresses of the discovered AnywhereUSB(s).
C. Run “AwConsole.exe –c x.x.x.x” where x.x.x.x is the IP adddress of the AnywhereUSB you wish to connect to.
D. You should see a confirmation that the AnywhereUSB (its IP address) has been added to the Connection List. The host computer will then immediately attempt to connect to the AnywhereUSB/2.
Note: If the IP address of the AnywhereUSB is already known, it’s not necessary to first discover it (using the “S” or “V” command).
Command line driven example #2, showing how to connect to an AnywhereUSB/14:

A. Run "AwConsole.exe –v” to discover AnywhereUSBs. “V” should be used for MHC-capable AnywhereUSBs (the AnywhereUSB/5 M and AnywhereUSB/14) as it shows the Host List.
B. Make note of the IP addresses of the discovered AnywhereUSB(s).
C. Make note of the Host List which lists what Group numbers are Available for host connections.
D. Run “AwConsole.exe –c x.x.x.x:y” where x.x.x.x is the IP adddress of the AnywhereUSB you wish to connect to and y is the Group number to connect to.
E. You should see a confirmation that the AnywhereUSB (its IP address : the Group number specified in step C) has been added to the Connection List. The host computer will then immediately attempt to connect to Group number 3 of the AnywhereUSB/14.
Note: If the IP address of the AnywhereUSB is already known, it’s not necessary to first discover it (using the “S” or “V” command).
Known issues / limitations:
• Administrative privileges are required to run AwConsole. Be sure to launch the command prompt with Admin privileges.
• It's currently not possible to use AwConsole to make encrypted USB connections. The workaround is to use the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility. This should be fixed in a newer AnywhereUSB driver release.
Last updated:
Jan 08, 2024