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A value of 281474976710655 is shown as a reading from the ERT meter

Cause: This is an indication that your Digi ERT-reader (ERT/Ethernet Gateway, or an ERT/Smart Energy Bridge added to a Smart Energy Coordinator) is not receiving a reading from the ERT Meter you've configured.


* Ensure the ERT meter you're trying to "read" is one which supports (and is configured for) bubble up operation by checking with the Utility Company which owns the meter hardware (NOTE:  Digi ERT/Ethernet Gateway and ERT/Smart Energy Bridge products are only compatible with ERT bubble up meters  Which ERT Meters are compatible with my Digi ERT/Ethernet Gateway or ERT/Smart Energy Bridge product?).

* Physically move the Digi ERT/Ethernet Gateway or ERT/Smart Energy Bridge closer to the meter in order to help ensure you are within RF signal range of the ERT Meter you're trying to read. On the opposite side of the wall a meter is mounted on might be ideal in the case of a low-power ERT Meter, but may be too close if the ERT Meter has a high-power transmitter.

NOTE:  A bit of trial and error may be necessary here to figure out the right distance and positioning that the ERT "reader" should be from the ERT Meter.  Keep in mind that a new reading will only be sent upstream to the Digi Device Cloud every 15 minutes or so at default, so make sure you allow for adequate time between your attempts to read in order to see if positioning change was successful.

* If your meter has a lower output RF signal (40 Watts), check with your Utility Company to see if its possible to replace it with an ERT Meter with a higher transmit power.

* Buildings constructed with stucco walls often use a wire mesh to support the stucco.  Unfortunately, the wire mesh also blocks RF signals (the same is true of steel rebar embedded in concrete), just like the one your ERT Meter is transmitting. If your building is constructed with this material, move the ERT/Ethernet Gateway or ERT/Smart Energy Bridge to a window on the side of the building where the meter is physically located, if possible.  If the window glass itself has embedded wire mesh (sometimes used to security-harden lower level windows of a building), the same RF blockage issues might occur.  In this case, an upper-level window without embedded wire mesh in its glass would be a better choice.

* Gas/Water meters are sometimes located in a pit.  The ground surrounding the pit limits the RF signal, but if the pit or pit-hole cover is made of metal, the RF signal might be prevented from transmitting beyond the confines of the pit entirely.  In such a case, check with your utility company to see what options might be available to replace a metal pit-hole cover with one of non-metallic construction, or replace a pitted meter with one that is above ground or has a higher transmit power.

* If reading an 
ERT bubble up meter from an ERT/Ethernet Gateway proves challenging due to the proximity of a wired-Ethernet connection with relation to where the ERT Meter is physically located, a ConnectPort X2e for Smart Energy used in combination with an ERT/Smart Energy Bridge would be the better ERT-reading solution. Additionally, Smart Energy Range Extenders can be used to move the ERT-receiver side of the ERT/Smart Energy Bridge even closer to the ERT Meter you wish to read by extending the Smart Energy side of the Bridge's wireless link!

*Important note:  Digi ERT products are obsolete and no longer supported

Last updated: Jan 05, 2024

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