Data Usage Summary:
Average monthly data usage:
- 4.68MB on cellular connections
- 18.1 MB on non-cellular connections (wired Ethernet, Wi-Fi client, PPPoE, etc)
- No configuration/firmware updates
- Digi RM-related configuration settings at their defaults
- Connection to Digi RM enabled
- Keep-alives set to 290-seconds for cellular, 60-seconds for non-cellular
- Health metrics set to once per hour
- Device event logging disabled
Maximum monthly data usage: 263MB
- One configuration update with 50 config settings (approximately 10kB in size)
- One firmware update included (approximately 30 MB as the average DAL product firmware size, some platforms have smaller firmware some have larger)
- All Digi RM-related config settings enabled and tuned to their most-often frequency
- Initial connection sequence to Digi RM along with query_state and query_setting RCI calls from Digi RM - 12.25kB
- Device event logging enabled at 1/minute intervals - 137 MB per month
- Keep-alives set to once per 30-seconds - 34 MB per month
- Health metrics reported once per minute - 62.64MB per month
Minimum monthly data usage: 154 kB
- No configuration/firmware updates
- Only critical Digi RM-related configuration settings enabled to maintain a base connectivity to Digi RM
- Initial connection sequence to Digi RM along with query_state and query_setting RCI calls from Digi RM - 12.25kB
- Keep-alives set to once per 2 hours - 141.84 kB
- Device event logging disabled
- Health metrics disabled
Breakdown Chart
Product |
Setup notes |
Firmware version |
Monthly Digi RM data usage* |
Monthly Digi RM data usage with event logging disabled** |
Data usage breakdown items |
Cellular (default 290s keep-alives) |
Ethernet (default 60s keep-alives) |
Cellular (default 290s keep-alives) |
Ethernet (default 60s keep-alives) |
establish connection to Digi RM |
query_state action (send device running state/info to Digi RM) |
query_setting action (send current configuration settings to Digi RM; also sent when Digi RM scans for config remediation) |
keep-alive (minimum once per 30-seconds, max once every 2-hours) |
sending all default health metrics (default 1/hour, minimum 1/minute, max 1/hour) |
send all default events (i.e. ubus call eventd reset; trigger event status) |
Monthly data usage percentage |
16.47% on cellular 5.6% on Ethernet |
33% on cellular 11.24% on Ethernet |
DAL average |
| |
6.98 MB |
20.46 MB |
4.68 MB |
18.1 MB |
6.3 kB |
0.95 kB |
5 kB |
394 bytes
- 17 MB per month at 60s intervals
- 3.52 MB per month at 290s intervals
1.45 kB (1.15MB per month at 1/hour intervals) |
3.18 kB (2.3 MB per month at 1/hour intervals) |
TX64 |
device-only (Dual cellular connection, Wired WAN connection, No LAN clients, default Wi-Fi APs) | |
5.71 kB |
394 bytes |
LR54W |
device-only (single cellular connection, wired WAN, no LAN clients, default Wi-Fi APs) | |
8.06MB |
33.2 MB |
6.45 MB |
26.7 MB |
9.8 kB |
1.2 kB |
6 kB |
591 bytes |
1.6 kB |
2.9 kB |
IX20W |
device-only (single cellular connection, wired WAN, no LAN clients, default Wi-Fi APs) | |
4.54 MB |
18.04 MB |
6.5 kB |
941 bytes |
3 kB |
394 bytes |
1.4 kB |
3.36 kB |
IX10 |
device-only (single cellular connection, no LAN clients) | |
4.47 MB |
17.95 MB |
6.3 kB |
762 bytes |
4 kB |
394 bytes |
1.3 kB |
3.37 kB |
ConnectIT48 |
device with 30+s serial connections, all idle | |
5.01 MB |
19.07 MB |
4.68 MB |
18.17 MB |
5.7 kB |
890 bytes |
7.79 kB |
394 bytes |
1.6 kB |
3.01 kB |
Default settings, no config/firmware updates, health metrics reported once per hour, event logging enabled
All other Digi RM-related config settings left at their defaults, no config/firmware updates
The above data usage metrics were determined by monitoring the Rx/Tx bytes on the associated Internet connection/interface used by the DAL device to connect to DigiRM. This was done by viewing the rx/tx bytes reported in ifconfig
for the interface in the shell console of the DAL device, which is also included in DAL’s runt system so you can view the same rx/tx byte count in the CLI, web UI, or DigiRM. I also utilized tcpdump to capture the packets going between DigiRM and the device to verify the byte count reported by the interface, just in case any non-DigiRM traffic went through the interface during the test.
Example tcpdump command you can run on the shell console of the DAL device to capture packets going to/from DigiRM:
tcpdump -nw /tmp/digirm_update-metrics.pcap -i any src or dst
Where is the IP of the domain the DAL device used to connect to DigiRM. This can then be transferred to a host PC with wireshark where you can use its statistics to see how many total bytes were sent/received in the packet capture. There’s also a handy terminal tool called capinfos
that comes with wireshark that you can use.
$ capinfos update-metrics.pcap
File name: update-metrics.pcap
File type: Wireshark/tcpdump/... - pcap
File encapsulation: Linux cooked-mode capture v2
File timestamp precision: microseconds (6)
Packet size limit: file hdr: 262144 bytes
Number of packets: 6
File size: 1,719 bytes
Data size: 1,599 bytes
Capture duration: 0.347196 seconds
First packet time: 2021-08-11 14:46:21.360715
Last packet time: 2021-08-11 14:46:21.707911
Data byte rate: 4,605 bytes/s
Data bit rate: 36kbps
Average packet size: 266.50 bytes
Average packet rate: 17 packets/s
SHA256: 5fb99e83614bfc6375929794cbdb0c0160fb8e6532a785a655274588562ff153
RIPEMD160: b46d0f846bb0a36a28d5ff11393282f9aaf3df29
SHA1: bc9135b5dbabd79e950354e9257b2bcbd98f25fb
Strict time order: True
Number of interfaces in file: 1
Interface #0 info:
Encapsulation = Linux cooked-mode capture v2 (210 - linux-sll2)
Capture length = 262144
Time precision = microseconds (6)
Time ticks per second = 1000000
Number of stat entries = 0
Number of packets = 6
Last updated:
Jan 02, 2025