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Could not find setting descriptor error when creating Templates on Digi Remote Manager 3

Since firmware version 8.x TransPort routers had their "device type" name changed and the word "TransPort" removed from it.

For example, a TransPort WR44 would show up as "TransPort WR44v2" on Digi Remote Manager when running firmware 7.x but just as "WR44v2" when running firmware 8.x

When creating a template with the Template wizard of Digi Remote Manager 3, it is important to select the right device type and corresponding firmware version or the following error message will be shown:

​Could not find setting descriptor for TransPort WR44v2 firmware version

To remediate, select the Device Type accordingly.
Below is a simple table showing which device type corresponds to which firmware version when handling configurations:

Old Device Type (Firmware 7.x and earlier) New Device Type (Firmware 8.x and later)
TransPort WR44v2 WR44v2
TransPort WR31 WR31
TransPort WR21 WR21
TransPort WR11 WR11
Last updated: Feb 13, 2025

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